Solving Challenges with Durability and Energy Savings for SPFs

Environmentally Sustainable Blowing Agents Extend Lifetime and Efficiency of SPFs

With mandates from global and local regulatory bodies in full force, the pressure is on for builders and building owners to find long-lasting, cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable options to use in their day-to-day operations. Since building insulation improves the energy efficiency of buildings, it's an increasingly important area of focus in this search.

Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) came onto the scene as a high-performing alternative to traditional insulation options. It delivers superior air sealing and durability, and benefits both the environment and building owners, who stand to see significant energy savings over the long term.

blowing agents improve spf performance Infographic 

Unfortunately, the traditional blowing agents used to apply SPF insulation have had high global warming potential (GWP) and ozone depletion potential (ODP), which reduces the overall energy efficiency and durability of the SPF insulation.

This white paper reveals that by using a more effective, environmentally sustainable foam blowing agent like Opteon™ 1100, builders and building owners can reduce waste, energy consumption, and environmental impact of their buildings, ultimately resulting in major long-term savings.

Download the white paper to learn about the benefits of using SPFs formulated with the new generation of foam blowing agents, like Opteon™ 1100.