Hydrocarbons: The Burning Truth

Understand the differences in flammability properties between A3 and A2L refrigerants

Making a safer choice

mild flammability icon w dotted lineWhen choosing a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant solution for your equipment installations, it’s important to understand the key differences in flammability between A3 gases compared to A2Ls.

Do you know what these differences are?

helmet and canister

Refrigerants with very low global warming potential (GWP)

EU regulations are driving the refrigeration industry to replace hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants with new low-GWP alternatives for long-term sustainability.

Register to download our infographic AND to watch our video with a live simulation of a leak scenario and educational commentary from an independent refrigerant flammability expert.

You will learn

The main parameters impacting refrigerant flammability 
The typical flammable behaviour of A3 and A2L refrigerants in a potential leak scenario
Which gas is harder to ignite and why